10 terms frequently associated with HUMSS

1. Literature 

      Any collection of written works is called literature, but the term is sometimes        used more precisely to refer to writings that are expressly considered to be             works of art, particularly prose fiction, drama, and poetry.

      Example sentence: Irene is a fan of literature published by William                          Shakespeare.

2. Law

     Law is a set rules that are made by the government institutions wherein the           citizens or people who are in particular country must follow.

     Example sentence: Wendy and her friends didn't obey the law implemented in           their school.

3. Teaching

       Teaching is a profession wherein it aims to teach students academic                                and valuable lesson that they can use for daily basis.

      Example sentence: Yeri is currently teaching kindergarten students because she         loves kids.

 4. Counseling

     Counseling is done by a counselor wherein they provide guidance or help to a client         that has a personal problem.

     Example sentence: Jaehyun went to a student counseling because he is having few                 academic problems. 

5. Psychologist 

      Psychologist is a profession that studies the mental state of a person including                  human behavior 

      Example sentence: Doyoung is now a registered psychologist in Korea. 

6. Society

     Society is a group of people that lives in the same community. 

     Example sentence: In today's generation discrimination still continuous in the                     society. 

7. Autonomy 

     Autonomy is principle of counseling that allow an individual to have freedom                   of choice and action. 

   Example sentence: Jeno demanded autonomy to his parents because he is old enough to make his own decision.

 8. Justice 

      Justice is about treating every individual equally. 

      Example sentence: Shotaro's family didn't get the justice they deserve.

9. Interpersonal

     Interpersonal is about improving or developing your relationship with other                      people.

      Example sentence: Yuta likes to socialize because he wants to improve his interpersonal relationship with others. 

10. Discipline

        Discipline is a practice or training to an individual to learn and obey rules.

          Example sentence: Jaemin knows how to act right because his parents discipline                    him since he was a kid. 



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